Overview of Board Roles
Board of Directors -
Contact BOD
- day-to-day operation of the corporation, Supervise
all officers, agents and employees of the corporation to
assure that their duties are performed properly
- direct day-to-day operation and short-term
activities of the corporation in line with the expansion
plans, general policies, and long-term goals of the
corporation as set by Board of Trustees.
Board of Trustees -
Contact BOT
- Determine general policies, long term plans, goals,
and direction of the Corporation
- Approve major undertakings such as any expansion
plan of the corporation, entering into major contractual
agreements, obligations and/or transactions such as, but
not limited to, selling any property of the Corporation,
or purchase of any new property for the Corporation, or
expenditures of $50,000 or more
- Approve any change of or amendment to the Articles
of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Corporation
Board of Advisors -
Contact BOA
- Active members of SABA elected by the Board of Trustees to seek advise from
in matters related to corporation in general
Board Organizational Chart