School of Ahlul Bait

Mission Statement

Our mission is to enable all students to:

  • Strive for Islamic excellence
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills that support Islamic values
  • Value life-long learning of Qur'an, Islamic rules, and Islamic history
  • Demonstrate respect for self and others
  • Participate meaningfully in our community and the society

To accomplish our mission we possess a knowledgeable, capable, caring, and inspiring staff. We foster mutual respect, open communication, and partnership among students, staff, families, and the community.


School of Ahlul’Bait has operated regularly since 1990 with the following mission:

School of Ahlul’Bait seeks to fill the gap left by the absence of Islamic studies in the public school curriculums. It is intended to be a stress-free environment where students learn about basic Islamic rules (Ahkam), Ethics and Islamic Behavior (Akhlaq), the history of Islam (Tarikh), and Qur’anic Recitation and Arabic in a positive atmosphere.

The school runs as an independent organization under the auspices of SABA. It is staffed by volunteers and headed by our resident Alim, Dr. Sayyid Nabi Raza Abidi.
Volunteers from the Fatimiyya Islamic Center in Hayward have also joined us in order to benefit and benefit from the larger Bay Area shi’a Muslim community.


Grades & Ages

The school is currently enrolling students who are in Pre-K and Kindergarten through Grade 12 in regular school.


School Session

Every Sunday, from September to June, 10:45 AM to 1:30 PM.  Special Ramadhan timings will be posted on website.


How to Register

Enroll online at Click on Sunday School/School Registration Form. Download and fill out the form, sign and submit a hard copy at the school office. New students should register as early as possible before the school session starts.



The annual tuition is $260/1 student, $414/2 students, and $620/3 or more students per family. Tuition can also be paid in two installments:$130/1 student, $207/ 2 students, and $310/3 or more students per family. The tuition should be paid by Cash, Check (to a SABA, in memo write Sunday School) or Credit card (online only, type Sunday School in comments box). Those who cannot afford to pay the nominal fee will be given a concession depending upon their individual circumstances. Your generous donations are always welcomed to support our high rental fee and various programs.

Books and Class Material

Children have to buy their required books and are expected to bring them in every Sunday. Come to class prepared. Bring whatever books, pencils, paper, etc. are necessary. If you are not sure what will be needed from the next class, be sure to ask your teacher.

Dress Code

Only long shorts are allowed
2. No vulgar or unpleasant depictions and writing on the clothing.

Hijab (hair should be properly covered and fastened by scarf)
2. If pants are worn, they must be loose and baggy.
3. Shirts need to be full sleeve, long (5 inches below waist), not transparent or tight, and need to be worn un-tucked.

Parents and family members who enter the SAB premises to drop off or pick up their children, or to participate in SAB events, are also required to adhere to the dress code. 

Bell Schedule

10:30 am - Student Arrival
10:45 am - Assembly
11:00 am - 1st period
11:50 am - 2nd period
12:40 pm - 3rd period
  1:30 pm - salaat
  1:45 pm - Lunch & End of school

The above schedule will be changed to an evening schedule during the month of Ramadan. We will notify you of specific times the week before Ramadan starts.



School begins with an assembly that is an integral part of the school's schedule. It is a valuable tool for conveying information about the school, starting the day with a brief Islamic lesson, and putting the children in a spiritual, cheerful, and learning mindset.



  • Salaat is a required part of the school schedule.
  • Parents who come early to pick up their children are strongly encouraged to participate in salaat and can only take home their children the prayer is over. 
  • Students are not allowed to socialize or play between class and prayer and should instead get ready for salaat by finding a place on the prayer mat and waiting for the adhan to begin.
  • Talking and other disruptions during the prayer will be taken very seriously and dealt with immediately after the prayer.
  • Students are required to remain on their prayer mats until the final ziyarat is complete.
  • All female students who are unable to pray for a given Sunday are required to stay in the prayer area preferably doing du’a and tasbih, not talking or socializing. Talking disrupts the rest of the group that is praying.



Lunch will be provided after salaat through parent cooperation. Each week two parents/families are required to sign up to bring lunch for the school.  The parents responsible would set up, clean up, and bring the lunch and paper products for the day. Each family is required to do this only once a year. For more information contact our lunch coordinator Sr. Nuzhat Naqvi


Student Expectations

·         Line up patiently for lunch and wait for turn

·         Sit down and eat in the dining area

·         Throw own trash and pick up any lying around


We encourage the students to use the restrooms during the non-class hours. During school times they will need a pass to use the restroom.

General Behavior at All Times

·         Sit in an orderly way.

·         Be on best behavior with staff and fellow students.

·         Refrain from yelling or running inside the school

·         Treat all property with utmost care. Please remember this is our center and we are responsible to take care of it.

·         Do not move any desks or chairs unless requested by teacher

·         Do not bring toys, cards, magazines or games to school

·         Keep your classroom clean

·         Return items borrowed from the school office (pencils, staplers, scissors etc.)

Homework and Assignments

Homework is an integral part of the learning process. However, we understand that children get quite a bit of homework from regular school. Our policy is to not burden the children but to reinforce the class work. Teachers are therefore encouraged to assign minimum homework. Students are required to complete SAB homework, turn in assignments on time and come prepared to class with books and pencils/pens.


Parent Information


Parent Responsibilities: Parents are strongly requested to participate in the weekly assembly (beginning 10:45 AM) as well as salaat. Parents are required to attend the first assembly of the school year where rules and regulations of the School will be explained. Other responsibilities:


  • Ensure that your children bring their books, paper, pencils, and other required material to class.
  • Punctuality and good attendance is required. Your children will only learn if you are serious about School and the first step to being serious is attending school on time. In the case of an unavoidable absence, contact your child’s teachers beforehand to obtain the necessary lessons and homework.

·        Please pick up your children promptly at 1:30 pm. Volunteers are not responsible for your children after this time.

  • Assist your students with their homework, exams, and other school activities. The primary responsibility for the Islamic education of children lies with the parents. SAB can only be effective if you actively participate in your child’s Islamic learning experience at home. Regularly check with your students to see what handouts and homework they were given and whether that homework has been completed.


Progress Reporting to Parents

Report cards are issued only at the end of the year. There are two tests to check student progress, a midterm and a final. Some teachers may give additional quizzes or tests. The teachers will inform students of upcoming tests. Parents should stay in regular contact with the teacher so that there are not any surprises at the end of the year.

Parent/Teacher Meetings

One meeting takes place after midterms. However, parent/teacher meetings can also be scheduled individually at the request of parent or teacher.

Interruptions by Parents

Please do not walk or look into your child's class after it is in session. And for the little ones, emphasize that they can not walk out of the class without teacher's permission. If you need to consult with the teacher, please schedule a meeting before or after school hours. If you need to consult with one of the administrators please use low voices. We strongly discourage any other conversations in the building during the session of the school. The parents talking added to the sound of teaching taking place becomes too noisy for a classroom atmosphere. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Parents as Volunteers

We encourage parental assistance in all areas of our school: monitoring the hallways, classroom substituting, field trips, fundraisers, picnic etc. Please contact Sr. Sabina Haider or Sister Urooj Kazmi if you want to become a volunteer.


We make an effort to provide supervision on school grounds through out the school hours. We ask that students not arrive earlier than 10:30 and leave no later than 1:30. Please be prompt in this aspect because our school volunteers also lead busy lives. If there are some unforeseen circumstances, please notify us at the school. Make sure you personally talk to one of the administrators. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.


Please drive carefully and slowly as you come into the parking lot. Often there are children playing in the lot before and after the school hours. Expect the unpredictability of children's movements. Ask your children to be alert to incoming cars. Also advise your children to stay well within the SABA center boundaries. For their safety, children are NOT allowed to wait outside of the building.

Disciplinary Policy

In case of discipline problems your child will be given a couple of warnings. If the problem continues s/he will be sent to the office. If it still continues you will be notified.

Sickness or Injury

Illness- if a student becomes ill, the parents will be called to come and pick up the child.
Injury- if a student is injured at school, he/she should report it to one of the school staff. Parents will be contacted if more than basic first aid is required.

Emergency contacts

It is essential that emergency cards are complete, signed and up to date in the school records. Fill out your child's emergency card completely at the time of the registration and then call the school with any change, especially phone numbers.

Contact Information:

Resident Aalim:    Hojjatul Islam Dr. Nabi Raza Abidi




From 101 North or South take Highway 237 towards I-880
Take the exit of 1st Street and take Left on the 1st Street
Take Right on Nortech Pkwy
Take Right on Fortran Drive
4415 Fortran is on the right 0.2 miles ahead

Prayer Times

San Jose Area
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